Using machine learning
This is a high-tech approach to the market which helps earn attractive returns without following explicit instructions, reducing human error.
Our algorithms find imperceptible and non-linear patterns in large databases, which allows for 45% higher returns compared to similar indices
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Using machine learning
This is a high-tech approach to the market which helps earn attractive returns without following explicit instructions, reducing human error.
Our algorithms find imperceptible and non-linear patterns in large databases, which allows for 45% higher returns compared to similar indices
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How it works
How machine learning works for your assets
Step 1
The algorithms predict daily probabilities of changes in the value of shares in major US companies.
Step 2
Our models find hidden patterns in large databases that affect price changes.
Step 3
All obtained options are analyzed by the model
and the most attractive investment opportunities are selected.
Made transactions
since September 2020
Average yield / %
since September 2020
Yield / %
outperforms the SPY benchmark by
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